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Welcome to the


Where all things are Love and Above

Are you ready to activate, elevate, and integrate a new level of awareness that brings you into true WHOLENESS?

The Higher Love Academy is your sacred space for a transformative 12-week adventure into profound spiritual awakening. With unconditional love, compassionate guidance, and powerful energy medicine tools, this experience is designed to support your personal ascension journey every step of the way.

Here, you’ll step into a potent healing and manifestation process, guided by Spirit and your Higher Self, to uncover your ultimate truth, sovereignty, and divine purpose. Through multidimensional teachings and energy activations, you’ll unlock the limitless potential of your soul’s destiny.

Follow the wisdom of your Higher Self and step into your soul’s calling…

Heal Yourself, Heal Humanity

The Higher Love Academy is a place to experience healing and transformation on every level—physical, emotional, mental, soulful, and spiritual. Release what no longer serves your highest good and elevate your consciousness to a state of PURE LOVE AND ABOVE.

Join a vibrant community of like-hearted souls: spirit-seekers, lightworkers, healers, and leaders united in the shared purpose of self-mastery and collective awakening.


Together, we heal ourselves and, in doing so, heal humanity.

Your ASCENSION JOURNEY begins here

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Heal Yourself

Heal Yourself

Heal Humanity

Heal Humanity

Heal Yourself


course price is in Canadian dollars



Next Heal Yourself container runs January 13th to March 31st, 2025

This path is for you if...

  • You struggle to trust yourself and your intuition, constantly second-guessing your desires, choices, and path, leaving you disconnected from your inner truth.

  • You feel trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction and frustration, stuck in old patterns that no longer align with who you’re becoming.

  • Life’s demands feel like a crushing weight, and the fear of stepping into your true power leaves you paralyzed, even though you know you’re destined for more.

  • Isolation feels all too familiar—you long for soulful, authentic connections with like-minded individuals who truly see, support, and understand you.

  • A deep yearning stirs within you, calling for something more, but the fog of uncertainty keeps you from uncovering your soul’s true purpose and passion.

  • Fear, doubt, and insecurity have woven themselves into your story, keeping you stuck when you’re desperate to break free and rise above.

  • The intensity of your spiritual awakening feels overwhelming, leaving you untethered, out of sync, and unsure how to ground yourself in this new reality.

  • Despite your best efforts, abundance, success, and the blessings meant for you feel just out of reach, as if invisible barriers block your flow.

and you want to...

  • Align fully with your soul’s true purpose and step boldly into the extraordinary life you were destined to live.

  • Break free from the ordinary and design a life of limitless potential, filled with meaning and magic.

  • Awaken to the radiance of your Higher Self and unlock the divine wisdom within, guiding you to your highest potential and ultimate good.

  • Embrace profound, sustainable healing and accelerated transformation that elevates every aspect of your being.

  • Release the energetic blocks that have held you back and step into the full, unapologetic expression of your true self.

  • Experience the boundless peace, love, and joy that flow effortlessly when you are aligned with your authentic essence.

  • Rediscover the sacred path that resonates deeply with your soul’s calling and brings your heart to life.

  • Expand your awareness and elevate your consciousness, opening doors to new dimensions of understanding and growth.

  • Raise your vibration and transform your mindset to live a life of abundance, joy, and deeply aligned purpose.

  • Awaken the divine gifts within you, unlocking your innate healing powers and the wisdom to support your ascension journey.

  • Step into enlightenment, uncover your soul’s true purpose, and align with the infinite guidance of your Higher Self.


Whether you're seeking to transform your inner world, or embark on a journey to heal others, you're invited to step into the transformative container of the Higher Love Academy. Here, profound shifts await, empowering you to align with your Higher Self and tap into your innate healing potential to heal yourself and humanity.

In this sacred space, guided by the wisdom of Spirit, you will discover the pre-authored mission and purpose of your soul's destiny. Reconnecting with yourself and the heart of Spirit, you will deepen your intuition and psychic abilities, heal trauma, and clear disruptive beliefs, unlocking your unique, sacred healing gifts. On this journey of self-discovery, you will reclaim sovereignty over your life, free from the influence of all external projections.

As you release old patterns of fear, codependency, and self-doubt, you will step into your power with the unwavering support of the universe. Together, we will gather to raise personal and collective consciousness, forging a path towards healing, and wholeness.

Trust that you were guided here with purpose. Join us on this journey of surpassing limitations, establishing loving boundaries, and connecting with like-minded souls.


About Higher Love

A sacred gathering co-created with Spirit, for spiritual seekers, lightworkers, and healers ready to embark on a transformative journey into the realms of self-healing and the co-creation of a new earth through healing humanity.

This container is dedicated to the art of spiritual healing and soul work, guiding students on a direct, lightning path to Spirit and empowering them to harness the subtle energies within the quantum field as medicine for both self-healing and the manifestation of their Highest Self and life expression. Through this program, you will bridge the gap between your visible self (material, physical, or sensory) and your invisible self (subtle, psychic, or spiritual), for enlightenment alongside Spirit.

Guided by the consciousness of Spirit and facilitated by your Spiritual Mentor, Margo Dalinghaus, this three-month immersive program includes both self-directed and weekly, live spiritual teachings, activations, energetic transmissions, Higher Self initiations, and guided meditations and healings. This co-creative experience will unlock newfound self-mastery on all levels and awaken the powerful consciousness required to heal yourself, and - should you choose - also teach you how to heal others as a HIGHER LOVE Certified Spiritual Energy Medicine Practitioner.

Inside this sacred communion, you will be guided to your highest expression of love. Every participant will receive something unique. Whether you seek personal healing or aspire to become a spiritual healer, you will find YOUR OWN PATH.


Book a COMPLIMENTARY HEALING DISCOVERY CALL below if either of these spiritual pathways resonate with you. Together we will make a crystal clear intention for your journey -  and Spirit, in its mysterious, and non linear ways, will guide you to your HIGHEST AND BEST GOOD with EASE.

Welcome to a space where mystery and metaphysics unfold, love reigns, and transformation awaits.

Your Personal Path to Spirit starts NOW & here is what's included....

    • Immerse yourself in 12 live 2-hour collective healing calls, totalling 24 hours of live Spiritual Mentorship.

    • Learn  transformational quantum energy medicine tools for multidimensional healing and co-creation with Spirit, addressing the physical, emotional, mental, soulful and spiritual aspects of well-being and WHOLENESS. 

    • Each call incorporates spiritual and energy healing principles, personal healings, and hands-on energy medicine tools.

    • Learn to make a direct connection with Spirit and your Higher Self to break free from victimhood, pain and suffering for good.

    • Clear all blocks to your highest & best good.

    • Activate the healing frequencies of LOVE & ABOVE to illuminate your Soul's Destiny.

    • Elevate and integrate your intuitive and psychic abilities.

    • Access Margo's intuitive prowess - where she can identify and clear root cause issues to your current concerns.

    • Unlock lifetime access to The Healing Hub portal with  ‘Higher Love: Heal Yourself’ online program featuring guided activations and Spiritual transmissions to support and deepen your spiritual awakening along the way.

    • Receive powerful affirmative prayer posters and audios targeting love, faith, trust, clarity, alignment, forgiveness, innocence, atonement, grace - all leading to wholeness. 

    • Bonus Offering of THE SOVEREIGN SOLUTION: a pre-recorded healing activation that will provide a live stream of pure consciousness from Spirit for healing ANY AND ALL challenges encountered. Simply press play and level up your awareness for direct healing as needed foreverrmore.

    • Revisit these timeless activations again and again in support of your eternal Soul expansion - they will meet you exactly where you are every time you listen and outcomes will change as your consciousness grows.

    • Enhance your understanding of foundational spiritual principles through weekly material designed to educate, empower, and support your spiritual awakening and integration.

    • Access a wealth of wisdom and consciousness accumulated over Margo's 20+ years as a spiritual practitioner, informed by substantial investments in a devotional commitment to Spiritual Awakening, higher education, mentors, healers, and materials.

    • Weekly email and facebook group chat inspiration and mentorship pertinent to the collective questions and needs that arise for the group throughout the 12 week immersive.

    • Experience the love, warmth, and support of fellow light-seekers who, like you, aspire to heal themselves alongside Spirit and contribute to the healing of humanity.

    • Revel in the unique connection formed with a community that understands the challenges and triumphs of choosing a deeply spiritual path.

    • Contribute to the healing of others who are travelling alongside you.

    • Raise the consciousness of the world as a collective healing power as you amplify the healing energies of Spirit together.

  • PERSONAL PATH SPIRIT SEEKERS also receive 10% off of One on One Sessions while in the 12 Week HEAL YOURSELF Immersive.​

    Perhaps you have very specific questions or want to dive deeper into understanding your own personal blocks to love and wholeness. This 12 week spiritual immersive can bring up emotions and experiences that you may want additional support with to process and integrate. Fear of change or the unknown can also hinder the healing process and can require additional guidance to overcome.

Program Deep Dive

Please find a deep dive outlining the details of the program below.

* Please note that the curriculum is spiritually guided, allowing flexibility to meet the evolving needs of individual and collective participants throughout the three-month immersive experience. *

Week One: WELCOME - Set a Crystal Clear Intention & DECISION for Change

Embark on a profound journey as you activate a Direct Lightning Path to Spirit and meet your new Soul Family. In this foundational week, you will dive into the program with a crystal clear intention, setting the stage for your transformative journey ahead. Review the basic Spiritual principles you will be working within and gain new tools to navigate the spiritual realms safely. We will discuss the importance of intention and making a  positive DECISION to create change in your life and how it serves as a powerful guide on your spiritual path. 

One of the most important things you can do intentionally is to MAKE A DECISION regarding what needs to happen in your life and what YOU WILL DO to create it. And the good news is - Spirit, an experienced Mentor and a like hearted community of lightworkers can support you every step of THE WAY to make it happen with ease.

Week Two: Create A Lightning Path to Spirit for Transformation & Meet Your Spirit Guides

Week two will teach you how to create a direct, lightning path to Spirit for healing and the manifestation of personal breakthroughs. Very specific steps are required to ensure an effective and powerful connection with Source so that you can access, receive and embody the high frequency energies required for Your Spiritual Awakening.

This process is the foundation for all other activations in this series and will act as an initial declaration of your Sovereign Divinty. It will broadcast to your Higher Self and all levels of your awareness that you are ready to expand into the depths of the Quantum to activate the absolute qualities of your TRUE SELF and your Soul's Highest Destiny. We will also meet your Spirit Guides and activate the Healing Streams of Grace, the Scalar Waves of Unconditional Love and the Violet Flame of St. Germain to initiate our collective container of healing.

Week Three: Activate Your SOUL IDENTITY and Clear Blocks to SOUL EXPANSION

We will travel all the way back to "the beginning..." where you can work directly with your Soul aspect of Self to redirect karmic patterns for change in this lifetime and align with your HIGHEST DESTINY. Our Soul is Eternal and has travelled many lifetimes before this one and with Spirit, can illuminate and clear the lessons it is working to overcome. Let's call in the Soul Mediators, Educators and Counsellors to cultivate your Souls faith and trust in Spirit for transformation.

As you clear all negative Soul programs that were created before incarnation – you will move directly into more Spiritual alignment, authenticity, truth, health, happiness, purpose, clear direction, guidance, ease, success, prosperity and MORE!!

Week Four: Meet Your Ancestors to Clear Your Family Tree of Intergenerational Trauma

To move into our highest expression of Self – we must clear all DNA and Intergeneration programs of trauma up both your Father and Mothers bloodlines.

This week, you will clear trauma patterns, shock patterns and shared pain bodies from your Ancestors so that you can step into your own direction and purpose for newfound clarity, alignment and FREEDOM. Without their suffering on board, you will breakthrough to a whole new level of consciousness and outcomes.

Week Five: Heal Your Inner Child and Subconscious Set Points for SAFETY AND SUCCESS

Your Inner Child is an aspect of Self that represents a younger version of you – and no matter how old you get – you carry the awareness of your Inner Child within you at all times. Here, we will call upon Spirit to address the emotional needs of your younger self and support the direct healing of all defense mechanisms and negative motivations that you developed to cope with childhood Psychic wounds.

Psychic surgery will release all accumulated, discordant energy that you took on in childhood physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually from those who harmed you. And any self punishment, guilt, blame and toxic shame that you may still carry in your cellular memory and subconscious minds will also be returned to the care of Spirit. This module will leave you feeling safe, supported, secure, fully accepted and standing tall with newfound CONFIDENCE and POISE.

Week Six: Transform Beliefs, Perceptions, Judgements & Rules That No Longer Serve

Activating healthy beliefs and new rules for your life will support your Inner Child and all aspects of SELF to create more health, peace of mind, wholeness and prosperity. What you hold in mind and charge with energy – you create. Changing  deeply seated beliefs, perceptions, judgments and rules in the conscious and subconscious minds, may be the only way to get a trauma or co dependent pattern that was established in childhood to shift - and we can work with Spirit to do so.

Here, we will use powerful subconscious healing tools and transformational releasing statements to return all negative emotional states to the care of Spirit and create new supportive, emotional patterns on all levels of your consciousnes. As you say these releasing statements out loud - you will create a new vibrational pattern through your throat chakra for your Higher Self to follow.

Week Seven: Journey to Past Lives to Revoke Karmic Vows, Contracts and Agreements for New Realities in this Lifetime

When we have had a traumatic experience in another lifetime or dimension, we may set up vows, contracts or agreements with other Souls as a way to  prevent a similar experience in this lifetime – or as a way to punish ourselves for past perceived harm.

These vows, contracts and agreements can wreak havoc in our lives and act as siphons that drain, misuse and misdirect vital energies. The good news is – we can revoke these obligations -  and once broken, can access and allow perfect health, happiness, peace of mind and prosperity. Watch your energy skyrocket and see how you can now direct it towards what serves and matters to you most.

Week Eight: Illuminate Your Chakras and Energy Bodies for WHOLENESS On All Levels of your Being

Your whole Human Energy Field now needs to be optimized to sustain the transformations in consciousness that you have created with Spirit in previous weeks. Your chakras, auric field and energetic spiritual pathways can become blocked, limited or damaged from traumatic experiences – and healthy energy structures are essential to fully receive wholeness, health, happiness and abundance from Spirit.

These energy structures - when restored to their ideal state - hold your divine blueprint from Source to create your entire physical experience. We will call upon Light Beings within to provide direct healing on all levels of your multidimensional self with a further blessing to facilitate the repair, replacement and optimization of the etheric structures that support your physical journey here on Planet Earth. Create a Unified Field of Light - in, through and around you for protection and to become a Beacon of Light for others to follow. Can you say Chakra Balancing and BLISS?!!

Week Nine: Heal Your Body as Divine Chalice to Prevent Dis-Ease

Now that we have optimized your energy structures and all of the subtle energy bodies in your Human Energy Field, we can now assist Spirit to heal your body directly through these healthy energetic structures. This will facilitate a more expansive, healthy and creative life force for you to access in all areas of your life.

We will re-establish 100% function to your body systems, organs and glands using Etheric Surgery, so that your miraculous body can express in its Highest Spiritual Form and function optimally to prevent burnout and disease. This module will sustain your ideal health and wellbeing for continued expansion on your Soul journey in this lifetime

Week Ten: Recalibrate The Brain & Nervous System for Trauma Recovery

This week, we will integrate all that we have done – and we do this by recalibrating and balancing the brain. Recalibrating your brain will ensure a robust functioning of your electromagnetic and gravitational systems. And balancing your brain will harmonize all the new downloads that have been brought into your consciousness by Spirit so far. 

We will work with the energies of trauma to identify and FREE any remaining aspects of Self that are held prisoner in shock or trauma bubbles, and this is also a good time to optimize the three brain glands – the hypothalamus, pituitary and the pineal gland. This healing, in turn will bring you into deep relaxation, regulation and safety on all levels of your Being. It will also provide a complete hormone balancing through the endocrine system. 

All healings from previous weeks will integrate fully now for absolute HARMONY on all layers, levels, and minds. It is safe to come into rest, sweet release and WHOLENESS in this lifetime now.  May the miracles manifest for you now!

Week Eleven: Reclaim Your Spiritual Essence & Energetic Boundaries for Freedom, Protection and the Manifestation of Your Dreams

The single most important thing I can do for you as a Spiritual Mentor is to support you to allow the energies of Spirit and your Spiritual Essence ( Higher Self ) to travel freely in, through and around your body from Heaven down to Earth. This healing will clear all blocks to this passageway and provide a full complement of HIGH VIBES and the ability to heal yourself and manifest anything.

In closing we will  clear final chords, bindings, attachments, distractions, and interference - and also set up full immunity with protective energetic boundaries to make sure your REAL SELF - and not the ideas, thoughts or projections of others – is in charge of your life FOREVER MORE!!

Week Twelve: Complete and CELEBRATE Your Self Mastery

In our final week together we will conclude the program with a joyous celebration of your transformation and new spiritual trajectory. Receive guidance on next steps in continuing your spiritual awakening journey. Engage in practices that solidify your spiritual foundation, celebrate your growth, and prepare you for the continuation of your spiritual journey beyond the Higher Love Personal Path to Spirit curriculum. Details will be provided for those who choose to continue on the Higher Love Practitioner Path to Spirit curriculum.

It's time to celebrate your WINS!!!


Higher Love is for Spiritual Seekers, Light Workers, and Healers who...

  • Are ready to do the work for self love, love of others and the world. 

  • Desire a direct connection and lightning path to Spirit, and the ability to work with their Higher Self and subtle energies within the quantum field for deep, sustainable healing and the manifestation of dreams. 

  • Want to learn the art of working with Spirit and energy as medicine to bring multidimensional healing to oneself and | or others.

  • Will courageously face their shadows and darkness, as they commit to clearing, healing, and stepping into the light.

  • Are willing & wanting to shape a new Earth by healing themselves and humanity in service and on purpose.

Higher Love may not be suitable if… 

  • You are not ready to delve into the profound inner work required for genuine transformation and growth.

  • You find spiritual practices too “woo-woo” or outside the realms of conventional understanding.

  • You are looking for immediate solutions to your problems without a willingness to engage in deep, transformative work with some time and consistent spiritual practice.

  • You don't believe in a higher source and the power of energy in healing.


How It Works

Our next transformative HIGHER LOVE - HEAL YOURSELF PATH container is scheduled to run from

January 13th to March 31st, 2025.


Join our live calls every Monday from 4-6 pm PST on Zoom, where you'll delve into immersive sessions filled with spiritual teachings, activations, and healing transmissions.


Can't make it to a live session? No worries—recordings will be readily available for replay, ensuring you won't miss a moment of this profound experience.

As you participate in the 12 weeks of live calls, you will parallel your journey with LIVE transmissions channeled directly from Spirit within your Healing Hub portal. This dynamic integration will provide continuous support for your spiritual awakening, allowing you to explore, learn, and grow EXPONENTIALLY!!


Before each weekly group call, anticipate receiving empowering materials and information via email. These guidelines will teach you new spiritual principles and give you time to apply them in practice before we meet live. This foundational material also equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary for self-healing alongside Spirit on your Personal Ascension Path.

Live Healing Calls

Every Monday, from 4-6 pm PST, gather on Zoom within the Higher Love Academy container where Margo will dive deep into the spiritual principle & practice of the week, guiding the group through a collective healing call. This is your chance to share your personal healing journey and insights, gain support, and immerse yourself in the transformational and healing powers of energy medicine and Spirit. There will also be time for questions in this sacred space.

Weekly Activations

After each weekly live meeting, dive into your Healing Hub Portal for a profound activation. These sessions are pre-recorded and will propel your spiritual awakening, even in the absence of live communion. They will also serve as a lifetime resource for ongoing healing practice.

Affirmative Prayer

Receive a weekly affirmative prayer poster and audio recording, anchoring you into new awareness and divine levels of knowing. Feel the love, faith, trust, clarity, alignment, forgiveness, innocence, atonement, grace, and wholeness as you initiate your Higher Self awareness with the absolute truth of your sovereignty that is readily available to you always. The power of prayer will amplify your outcomes beyond your wildest imagination.


How It Works

Our next transformative HIGHER LOVE - PRACTITIONER PATH TO SPIRIT container is scheduled to run from

January 14th to April 1st, 2025.


Join our live calls every Tuesday from 4-6 pm PST on Zoom, where you'll delve into immersive sessions filled with spiritual teachings, activations, and healing transmissions.


Can't make it to a live session? No worries—recordings will be readily available for replay, ensuring you won't miss a moment of this profound experience.

As you participate in the 12 weeks of live calls, you will parallel your journey with Practitioner Practice homework assignments each week, where you will apply your new healing skills  with family, friends or clients. On each of our live session checkins – you will share your practice experience and have the opportunity to have your questions answered. This dynamic integration of theory and practice will provide you with applied learning and support every step of THE WAY – allowing you to explore, learn and grow EXPONENTIALLY!!

**Students must attend a minimum of 9 out of 12 sessions to qualify for certification**

Mentorship & Spiritual Tools

Each week, before our live group calls, you'll receive empowering emails filled with foundational materials, spiritual principles, and practical guidelines to prepare you for the upcoming session. These resources help you absorb and apply new tools and practices independently, ensuring you confidently integrate teachings into your ascension path. This approach empowers you to heal with Spirit and accelerate your journey as an Energy Medicine Practitioner.

Live Practitioner Calls

Every Tuesday from 4–6 pm PST, you’ll gather live on Zoom with fellow Higher Love Practitioners. Margo will guide you through spiritual principles and energy medicine practices, starting with a group check-in to share wins, questions, and insights. These sessions focus on building your energy medicine toolkit while offering a supportive space to share your journey and experience Spirit’s transformative healing energies—catalyzing personal and professional growth.

WhatsApp Group Chat Support

Our WhatsApp chat group provides a powerful space for Energy Medicine Healers to connect, share, and support one another, with unlimited access to Margo’s guidance. This dynamic community accelerates your growth, fosters deeper healing, and creates a sense of belonging, empowering you to thrive and grow as a healer.

Extra Time to Practice

Included with your Practitioner Path tuition is a full-day workshop dedicated to pendulum techniques and the Higher Love Psychic Empowerment Charts, expanding your skills as an Energy Medicine Healer. Practitioner Path students also receive free access to the monthly Energy Medicine Lab during the three-month immersive, offering additional opportunities for practice, questions, and healing within a global community of Lightworker students.

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I'm Margo!

Psychic Intuitive Healer and Light Work Awakener

Margo is a vibrant soul dedicated to guiding others toward healing, empowerment, and self-discovery. With her roots as a Registered Nurse and her expansive expertise in metaphysical healing, Margo merges modern insight with soulful wisdom. As the creator and teacher of the transformative Higher Love Pathways, she offers a unique approach that invites you to connect deeply with your inner self and the source of all creation. Through Spiritual Response Therapy, energy healing, and meditations, Margo inspires a playful yet profound journey toward becoming a conscious creator of your life.


Trust that you were guided here on purpose.

I invite you to feel the call to rise, both individually and collectively, acknowledging the imperative nature of your soul's desire for healing and expansion. Align with your birthright—the highest blueprint—to reshape your life and contribute to a healthier planet for all of humanity. If you've found your way here, I know that you are committed to self-growth and the well-being of mankind, and I thank you for your dedication in doing so. Can you envision the possibilities available to you as you embrace your spiritual powers and healer gifts further in this container? Imagine the personal triumphs and contributions to our world that await!

The worlds needs you.

Should the resonance of unlocking your soul's highest destiny, making a decision to heal personally or  becoming a Spiritual Energy Medicine Healer reverberate within you, the next step is clear. Join a community of kindred Lightworkers and explore how you can access transformative information and healing energy to make your difference now. It's time to embark on a three-month immersive and energy medicine mentorship—a journey where you learn to harness every facet of your intuition for healing yourself and others alongside Spirit.

Never feel lost again.

With a direct, lightning path to your source, uncover your true power and receive crystal-clear answers from Spirit, your spiritual allies, and your highest self. This transformative experience empowers you to offer profound, impactful, and transformational healing sessions for yourself, others, and humanity at large - whichever path you choose.

Your time is now.

This is beyond a mentorship; it's a divine calling to awaken every facet of your intuition and psychic sensitivites for healing. Brace yourself for a transformative journey where you find your true power and gain crystal-clear guidance from Spirit, your spiritual allies, and your highest self to live truthfully, authentically and purposefully forever more.

The choice and path is yours.

HEAL YOURSELF, HEAL HUMANITY for a new world of love, peace and freedom. Make a decision to heal yourself fully because there is only a better way when healed. Healing does not need to be a life long process. You are not broken. You are WHOLE.

You deserve to thrive doing what you were born to do and it can happen more quickly than you know with Spirit.

What you want is on the other side of healing. Deciding to take control of your life is EVERYTHING.

And everything is here to support you NOW!



Margo works with the energies of Spirit and your Higher Self to reveal your true essence, purpose and potential. With intuitive insight, she helped me hear and honor the quiet, yet powerful whispers of my intuition and authentic self. I feel more equipped now to align with a life that works for me instead of all the people I have tried to appease since childhood. 

Thank you Margo. I truly appreciate your helping me to heal from past traumas and to align with my highest good. I feel free from what used to hold me back.


 Margo is one of the most approachable, accepting practitioners I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I contacted her for help with massive anxiety and her energy healings were really able to calm me.

In addition, Margo was able to help shift my perspective about things so that I could manage my anxiety more effectively.  She helped me with my mindset and feeling validated, but perhaps the most notable improvement was to my physical health.  I had a toxin build-up in my body that was causing the soles of my feet to go bright orange. After working with Margo, my feet returned to normal.  The mental-physical connection is a real thing and my experience is a true testament.

Margo is such a special healer and I'm feeling SO much better these days - mentally and physically.  I'm incredibly grateful for her.


Choosing to join Higher Love was the moment I truly timeline-jumped. I stood at the corner of change, knowing deep down that being in a sacred container would help me clear the blocks holding me back from my dream life - I took the leap.

Over the next few months, my life unraveled in ways that revealed truths about myself I could no longer ignore. Week by week, as I aligned with the healing program, I began to sync up with my higher self. With the unwavering support inside the container—Magical Margo’s guidance and the love of my newfound soul friends—I transcended into higher consciousness.

I am forever changed and eternally grateful for Higher Love. Margo is a true healer, channeling the power of Source while empowering you to reclaim your own power. Through this experience, I shed the energy chains I didn’t even realize were holding me back. Higher Love guided me to break through and step into my Highest Self. I feel reborn—lighter, innocent , and deeply free.

Take the leap


 I liked how we didn't just focus on healing the past. This program was also about aligning with the divine wisdom and energies of my Higher Self, so that I could learn to trust the guidance of my own wisdom and desires to create a future that feels exciting and empowering again. 

The doom I used to feel is gone.


Being in Margo's energy field it's like walking through a sunny meadow, with all the senses engaged. You feel the warmt of the sun on your skin, you hear the bees and the birds, you see all the butterflies and the flowers and you smell all the amazing wildflower fragrances.

Before I got to this meadow I was wandering lost in the deep forest of trauma and codependency, trying to always be "the good girl", to please everyone and I was carrying this deep-seated limiting belief that I have to tend to everyone needs and to help everyone, or else all their subsequent pain will forever be my fault. I was also carying toxic guilt and shame for all my perceived flaws and I was so hard on myself!

Being in the "Higher Love Heal Yourself" container was the best choice that I've ever made in my adult life! Margo has created this space for my fellow travellers and I to receive and to give unconditional love and support, guiding us and empowering us on our healing journeys.

While receiving Margo's healing, I could hear her soul singing my soul home, into the creative space, into my authentic self. She held space for my own healing journey with unconditional love, through all the moments, from when it felt like the rock bottom had a basement and I just wanted to tell everyone to go hug a cactus, until the glorious hour when my Higher Self sat on the golden throne within my Power Centre!

I would recommend everyone to embark on this healing journey. It's not for the faint of heart, mind you, but it is most definitely worth it! If you are consistent in showing up for yourself and doing your inner work, you will feel empowered and able to take on the world! Healing is possible and by healing yourself, you heal the world.

Thank you Margo, from the depths of my heart and soul!


As a healer, Margo deeply understands the struggles of the human experience and meets you with unconditional love and support. She created a safe space for me to explore, heal and grow and she honored everyone's unique journey every step of the way. I especially liked the intuitive approach to healing in this container. I was able to clear emotional, mental and spiritual blocks which helped me find my confidence again. 

Whether you are seeking personal healing, guidance or a deeper connection to your spiritual practice, Margo offers the wisdom, tools and support you need along your ascension journey.


Be prepared to have the holy light shine on you as you enter her container. 

While taking this course, I experienced warp speed spirituality. And now I know - magic is real.


The past few months have been an incredible insight into my journey, I want to thank you so deeply for the abundance of love, warmth and wisdom you have shared with me through the one on one sessions and in the healing container.

Everyone came together so beautifully with uplifting energy, love and vulnerability, you created a wonderful space for us to do that. I have seen through my own struggles and triumphs just how much more faith and trust I have put into the Universe, it’s energy and myself as well as showing love and grace to those around me who share and exchange in such a profound way.

I truly feel safe and protected for the first time in my life, it feels like a fresh breath of air. I’m so grateful to you, to the Universe for bringing you into my life so that I could shine the light and warmth whilst deepening my connection to source and my loved ones. 

Heal Humanity


course price is in Canadian dollars



Next Practitioner Path container runs January 14th to April 1st, 2025

This path is for you if...

  • You have completed the Higher Love Personal Path to Spirit curriculum and you want to become a certified HIGHER LOVE SPIRITUAL ENERGY MEDICINE PRACTITIONER​

  • You  feel a deep calling within you to heal humanity by bringing your sacred gifts as a lightworker or healer to others and the world at large.

  • You sense an inner knowing that you possess untapped intuitive, psychic, spiritual powers and the potential to become a beacon of healing for yourself, your loved ones and|or professional clients seeking help?

  • You yearn to elevate far beyond your current state of well-being, wanting to unlock new dimensions of your consciousness and a more refined connection to Spirit?

  • There is an inspired desire to channel your positive energy into becoming a healer, a lightworker, or someone who contributes to the well-being of humanity?

  • You seek professional tools and mentorship to navigate your professional path to Spirit to ensure safety, integrity and SUCCESS along THE WAY.

  • You sense the profound personal, and financial possibilities that lie ahead if you were to fully recognize and unleash your spiritual gifts, taking your current reality  to extraordinary levels TO HEAL THE WORLD!!

and you want to...

  • Step confidently into your role as a Higher Love Spiritual Energy Medicine Practitioner, ready to heal humanity and the world.

  • Unlock and amplify your intuitive and psychic powers, becoming a beacon of healing for yourself and others.

  • Elevate your consciousness, deepen your connection to Spirit, and experience profound shifts in vitality and peace.

  • Channel your energy into meaningful contributions as a healer, embodying the impact you wish to create.

  • Access professional tools, mentorship, and training to navigate your path with clarity and integrity.

  • Harness your spiritual gifts to create a fulfilling, abundant life while transforming lives and the world.

Program Deep Dive

Please find a deep dive outlining the details of the program below.

* Please note that the curriculum is spiritually guided, allowing flexibility to meet the evolving needs of individual and collective participants throughout the three-month immersive experience. *

The Higher Love PRACTITIONER PATH is a sacred space where we gather in person as LIGHTWORKERS- to heal and grow on a multidimensional level TOGETHER. This is a three moth immersive to ignite and implement your sacred gifts as HEALERS. 


By coming together weekly, as a collective, we harness the power of unity, sharing insights and wisdom along THE WAY, illuminating our paths with the light of each other's experiences. Deepen your spiritual awakening alongside other soul-centered beings, knowing that your journey is supported and witnessed by a loving community of like minded Healers. The benefits of participating in this immersive experience are profound. Being part of a collective amplifies your healing energy, allowing for deeper transformation and growth. When your healing process is witnessed by others, it becomes more powerful, reinforcing your progress and providing you with the encouragement to continue. Sharing your insights and hearing the experiences of others fosters a sense of connection and belonging, reminding you that you are not alone on this journey. 


Together, we will create a vibrant tapestry of shared wisdom and support, enhancing our individual and collective spiritual evolution. Embrace this opportunity to learn new tools, connect, heal, and transform with like-minded souls. Let the energy of our collective light guide you, inspire you, and elevate your consciousness to new heights and FREQUENCIES for powerful healing sessions that you can take out to the world. 


This is a community where your growth is cherished, your insights are valued, and your transformation is celebrated!! Weekly sessions are 2 HOURS, where there will be time provided for check ins and questions re skills learned and practiced the week prior, and time will be spent learning new Spiritual practices and energy medicine skills each class.



Every great journey begins with a clear intention. Establish the foundation for your path as a healer by setting powerful, aligned goals that magnetize success. Learn how to open a direct, sacred channel to Spirit, creating a pathway for healing energies to flow freely. Through this connection, activate healing streams of light to clear blockages, balance energetic distortions, and infuse transformative frequencies into your practice. This first step not only grounds your mission but also amplifies your ability to guide others with confidence and clarity.



Healing transcends time, space, and dimensions, requiring the healer to expand their awareness. Step into the art of multidimensional healing, working with layers of energy that weave through the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. Create a sacred space that reflects your intention and craft an altar to serve as a portal for divine energy. Integrate essential tools and techniques into your practice, equipping yourself to hold powerful and transformative sessions. This week deepens your understanding of the energetic interplay, elevating your presence as a practitioner.



Prayer is the language of Spirit, a bridge that connects the seen and unseen worlds. Discover the profound impact of intentional prayer as a catalyst for healing and transformation. Open the doors to the imaginal realms, accessing infinite possibilities and sources of divine support. Establish relationships with your Spirit Guides, who offer wisdom, protection, and insight, and qualify a Gatekeeper to safeguard your work. By weaving these connections into your practice, you create a network of spiritual allies that empower your healing journey.



Step into the realm of dowsing with the pendulum, a tool of precision and clarity that enhances your ability to work with energy. Learn to set up your pendulum practice, crafting transformational releasing statements and asking targeted questions to uncover hidden truths. Experience the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit Washdown, a technique that clears and uplifts energetic fields. Engage in an immersive workshop exploring Higher Love’s Psychic Empowerment Dowsing Charts, unlocking new dimensions of insight and transformation in your healing practice.



Dive into the layers of the soul to uncover and release outdated programs that no longer serve your growth. Embrace the opportunity to complete unresolved lessons, freeing your spirit to move forward without the weight of past experiences. Explore the intricacies of past-life healing, where karmic patterns are dissolved, and harmony is restored. By reconnecting to Spirit, access a deeper level of healing that recalibrates your essence, leaving you aligned, empowered, and ready to serve with authenticity and grace.



The healing you offer extends far beyond the present moment—it ripples through time, touching the lives of those who came before and those who will come after. Uncover and release patterns of intergenerational trauma embedded in your lineage, creating space for growth and freedom. Journey through the imaginal realms to meet your ancestors, receiving their wisdom, love, and guidance as you heal the energetic ties that bind. Through this work, bring harmony to the family tree, offering your ancestors peace and yourself liberation.



Healing begins at the root, and the inner child holds the keys to understanding your deepest fears, patterns, and desires. Work closely with the Divine Mother to nurture, protect, and heal this sacred aspect of yourself. Engage in powerful subconscious reprogramming to release fear, instill safety, and create a solid foundation for growth. Craft transformational belief statements that align your energy with success, abundance, and divine purpose. This is a journey of gentle yet profound self-discovery, clearing the way for a new level of wholeness and empowerment.



The chakras are portals of energy that influence every aspect of our being. Develop a deep understanding of these energy centers and how they interact with the aura and other energetic layers. Learn to assess chakra alignment, energy flow, and blockages, equipping yourself to address imbalances with precision. Explore techniques for activating, cleansing, and harmonizing the chakras to support healing and manifest your intentions. This knowledge becomes a cornerstone of your practice, allowing you to tap into the innate wisdom of the energetic body.



Energy connections can uplift or drain, depending on their nature. Learn to identify and release cords, bindings, and even curses that no longer serve your highest good. Discover how to break free from codependent patterns, reclaiming your power and sovereignty. Strengthen your energetic boundaries, creating a field of protection that allows you to serve others without depletion. This work is essential for maintaining balance and resilience as you expand into your role as a healer.



Trauma leaves energetic imprints that shape behaviors, beliefs, and even physical health. Delve into the roots of these imprints, learning to resolve shock bubbles, pain bodies, and stress patterns that keep energy locked in place. Address chronic conditions and addictive behaviors, understanding their origins as coping mechanisms. By clearing these layers, you create space for true healing and restore the body, mind, and spirit to their natural state of flow and harmony.



The physical body is a sacred vessel for Spirit, and optimizing its function is key to sustaining a high vibrational state. Focus on recalibrating the brain, nervous system, and endocrine system to release tension, stress, and stagnant energy. Engage in practices that promote relaxation, alignment, and flow, allowing the body to serve as a clear, strong chalice for healing energy. This recalibration enhances your ability to channel light, love, and transformation with ease and integrity.



Step fully into your role as a healer, guided by the clarity of your intuition and the power of your sacred gifts. Reset your divine soul blueprint, aligning with your spiritual essence and highest potential. Reflect on the profound journey you’ve undertaken, celebrating the mastery and wholeness you’ve reclaimed. This is a time to honor your growth, anchor your purpose, and move forward with confidence as a beacon of light, healing, and transformation.

Your Practitioner Journey starts NOW and here is what's included:

  • Live mentorship calls in the Higher Love Academy provide a transformative opportunity for practitioners to deepen their spiritual journey and enhance their healing abilities.

    Through direct interaction with Margo Dalinghaus as Mentor, students gain personalized guidance as they explore spiritual principles, energy medicine tools, and healing practices. These calls will empower you to awaken your sacred gifts and intuitive powers, fostering a deeper understanding of energy healing and supporting your growth as an Energy Medicine Healer.

    The dynamic exchange in these live sessions creates a safe, nurturing space for students to ask questions, receive feedback, and accelerate their path toward mastery.

  • With lifetime access to the Higher Love Healing Hub, students can unlock an endless wealth of spiritual mentorship content and energy medicine tools, providing a continuous source of growth and support.

    This expansive resource includes a treasure trove of guidance, live session replays, and transformative energy medicine tools designed to empower students on their journey as Energy Medicine Healers. As you explore these materials, you will gain deeper insights into your personal purpose and  healing practice, receiving the clarity and confidence needed to step fully into your divine sacred gifts as a Lightworker.

    The Healing Hub offers a unique and ongoing opportunity online to expand your knowledge and refine your craft, ensuring you have everything necessary to succeed on your Practitioner path, alongside your in person mentorship.

  • ​Margo Dalinghaus is the ultimate mentor for Energy Medicine Practitioner students, offering the expertise and guidance needed to align with your sacred gifts and purpose as a healer.

    With decades of spiritual dedication, Margo embodies profound consciousness and a deep connection to Spirit, leading students on transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing. Her grounded approach integrates powerful spiritual practices into everyday life, helping you manifest lasting change both within and for others.

    Margo’s unique blend of quantum physics, spiritual technology, and mysticism empowers students to create real, tangible transformation through her Mentorship. Her integrity, deep insight, and ability to uncover the root causes of challenges ensure rapid, sustainable healing and teaches you to do the same. If you're ready to step into your divine purpose and serve humanity, Margo is the visionary mentor you need to help you heal, transform, and make an impact in the world as a Lightworker.

  • ​The Higher Love Psychic Empowerment Charts are a coveted and integral offering in the Higher Love Practitioner Path program that will set you apart as an Energy Medicine Healer. They are a potent collection of LIVE TRANSMISSION KEY CODES , personally curated by Margo Dalinghaus, Spiritual Mentor and Channel and are rooted in her extensive spiritual practice and experience as a renowned Spiritual Healer.

    These charts were directly downloaded from Spirit, ensuring each one is power packed with Higher Love consciousness. They serve as portals to spiritual insight, wisdom,  and verification far beyond ordinary understanding, and will provide you access to the highest realms of truth for soul awakening, multidimensional healing, and accelerated manifestation. Simply having these transformative charts in your life is a true gift, as they resonate with the magic of ABSOLUTE TRUTH  and all are aligned with the divinity of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS.

    This sacred tool is designed to bring profound shifts to your life and the lives of your loved ones and clients - making them an absolute must for all who seek deeper spiritual empowerment, understanding and connection as Healers. 

  • Join a supportive community of like-minded Practitioner Healer students, united by a shared mission to heal others and raise the collective consciousness. Together, you’ll navigate the challenges and triumphs of your spiritual path, amplifying the healing energies of Spirit as you contribute to the transformation of humanity.

    This unique connection fosters collaboration and growth, empowering each healer to elevate their practice and impact the world. And WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN!

  • As part of the 12-Week Practitioner Path, students receive a 10% discount on one-on-one mentorship sessions with Margo, offering personalized guidance to address specific challenges, deepen healing skill set, and overcome personal blocks to stepping into your confidence and power as a Healer. These sessions provide invaluable support for processing emotions and navigating the fear of change that may arise during the immersive.

    Additionally, students gain free access to the monthly Energy Medicine Lab calls, where practitioners from around the world come together to practice, ask questions, and accelerate their learning. This is the space where knowledge is applied, and transformative healers awaken.

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